Books by Colleen Craig

Books by Colleen Craig

Vancouver Sun@VancouverSun
"Craig’s writing is absorbing and informative."
Discovery Channel Stores (Publishers Weekly)@PublishersWkly
"Pilates on the Ball has been a phenomenal book for us."
Maureen Dwight PT, B.Sc.PTFounder of the Orthopaedic Therapy Clinic, Toronto
"Colleen Craig’s Pilates on the Ball is a wonderful bridge from the treatment room of the practitioner to the world of the healthy, self-confident person who is able to take control of their musculoskeletal health through exercise."

About Fitballs

Fitballs™ are light, portable, re-inflatable and durable. These pearl or grey-coloured balls have an excellent surface that is not slippery. They are also burst resistant, meaning if you accidentally roll over a sharp object they would not explode but would deflate slowly. Do not use the balls outside and do not let children use the balls outside. Keep balls out of direct sunlight and away from direct heat sources. Best to work with ball on sticky yoga mat or on non-slippery rugs. Bare feet or non-slippery, rubber-soled shoes are best.

Size and Inflation:
55 cm for people 5’0″ to 5’7″ and 65 cm for people 5’8″ to 6’2″. Balls are blown up according to diameter, not air pressure. A yardstick will help when inflating balls to maximum diameter (height from the floor). Height from the floor is either 55 cm or 65 cm and is printed on the box and the ball. The plastic pump sold with the ball is totally portable and effective for inflating Fitballs anywhere. Balls can be cleaned quickly and easily with a cloth and a little soapy water.

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